UN Internships

It will be competitive but Hunter students have won these before:

UNU ONY Internship Vacancy: Feb - Jul 2011
                              Deadline: 30 November, 2010

Dear colleague,

The United Nations University Office at the United Nations in New York (UNU-ONY) is recruiting interns for the next session, from 1 February to 31 July 2011.

Participants in UNU-ONY's internship programme are called Junior Fellows as the title reflects their combination of academic excellence and professional aptitude.

In the following paragraph you will find information and guidelines on the UNU-ONY's Junior Fellows internship programme, or feel free to visit our website, 

Please circulate this announcement to students, colleagues and friends who may be interested in participating in the programme or in disseminating this great opportunity to young professionals.

The deadline for receiving applications is 30 November, 2010. Please do not hesitate to consult our website or contact us directly if you have any questions or comments.

With kind regards,


United Nations University Office at the UN, New York
2 UN Plaza, Room DC2-2060, New York, NY 10017
Tel.: 212-963-6387
Fax: 212-371-2144


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